Monday 28 July 2008


Interesting conversation occurred at coffee time in the doctors' room today. There were 4 male GP partners and myself in the room, and 2 of them were having a long and involved conversation about the practice nurses, and problems that keep erupting with them and communication issues. Here is how it went:-

Partner 1: "What you've got to remember is that men are from Mars, women are from Venus..."

Partner 2: (pantomiming a secret nod towards me) "Careful, there's one in the room. And she's got pregnancy out!"

Partner 1: "No that doesn't count; she's a doctor."


So where am I from? I'm confused.


Eve said...

Probably another solar system.


Mad Medea said...

I don't know whether that is heartening that they see others in their profession as genderless, or scary that they still gender the rest of the world so strongly....

AdventuringJen said...

I don't think I have anything else to add...;)

Anonymous said...

He he he! I'm sure that our doctors must have discussions like this daily - almost as frequently as nurses are heard to say "ah, but they're doctors..." ;) x

PS congrats, by the way :) and yay :)

Arun.N.M. said...

Nice post. I also feel the reverse happens some times. Women docs chat with out inhibition taboo topics with men doc around...... because they are docs first and men second