Sunday 27 January 2008

brief pause on a Sunday evening feel sad about nothing...

...sad that another busy week has just sped past and another is on its way... think about my friends, who seem to be going through some hard things recently... ponder how I'll feel if I fail this exam on Wednesday, which I really think I might...I'm not good at doing failure... hope that mr me is really ok, and not pretending to be ok because he knows I'm only just coping with myself, as usual... wish it was the summer time and I was escaping to a cottage somewhere... wish I spent less time wishing my life away... think about the sermon today, and ask God to give me a servant heart... count my blessings, which are many, including a husband who loves and supports me, a career that fulfils and stimulates me, friends and family who care about me, and all I need materially... decide it really is time for bed, actually...

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