Monday 6 August 2007


I started paediatrics last Wednesday, and today was my first day working on the neonatal ward. The SHO mostly works doing baby checks for the one day old babies - making sure there are no abnormalities. I also have to attend delivery suite for all caesarian sections and deliveries where there is risk to the baby or foetal distress. Fortunately at the moment, a registrar is coming with me to the deliveries and teaching me how to resuscitate babies. But the babies are so beautiful!!! When you check for a cleft palate you put your little finger in the mouth. I felt very moved when one little baby started sucking on my finger. I am going to have to watch myself in this job, or I won't make it to the end of my training scheme! The registrar who is teaching me keeps calling all the babies and children "sweetpea", which I also think is very cute. That was it really. Extreme cuteness. Just wanted to share.

1 comment:

Amy said...

It sounds lovely :)