Tuesday 6 February 2007


Well, I had a horrible cold over the weekend. Was feeling quite proud of myself for making it though the winter so far without one, especially considering I have been working in general practice, with a minimum of 3 people per day trying to persuade me that they need antibiotics for their cold. Came down with it suddenly and badly though, spending the first half of the weekend in agony with sinus pain and unable to sleep, and the second half sounding like Nina Simone, but not in a good way. Recovered rapidly just in time for work Monday - doh!

Felt guilty about being ill because this was the weekend we hired a floor sander to create a lovely wooden floor in our back bedroom, and meant that mr me (as he shall henceforth be known) ended up doing all the work. He thought the machine was too heavy for me anyway really, so I sat around helplessly mopping my nose and stuffing decongestants down my throat while he manfully pushed power tools around in his safety googles and ear protection. Didn't quite manage to get the edges done though, so some hands and knees work with some sandpaper and a block may be in order. (by me - I'm not going to make him do that, seeing as the whole affair was my idea).

Had also booked to go and see Sleeping Beauty by the St Petersburg ballet at the Alhambra in Bradford with my sister, and couldn't really cancel having paid for tickets, so I went, and probably deeply annoyed the people next to me with my explosive nose-blowing. Enjoyed the ballet, but was probably a bit more detatched than I would normally have been.

Left work today - took in some cakes and fruit to say thank you and presents for my trainer. Everybody was very nice saying goodbye to me and I deeply enjoyed throwing away large quantities of useless memos and drug company promotions, but was sad to leave. and found the whole thing a bit tiring. So there is an update on my not-very-exciting life.


AdventuringJen said...

Hope you are feeling entirely better now. Shame about the ballet in the not fully emersing yourself in it way but glad you got to go. :)
mr me is a very good name. :)

Mad Medea said...

Yes, I should come up with something beyond "Husband" but "oy you" doesn't quite have the right ring to it. Loving keeping up to date with your life. MM.xx