Tuesday, 28 June 2011

You know you've turned 30 when...

Slightly distressed today to find that the annoying adverts at the side on Facebook which normally want to tell me about how to have a flat belly and how to entertain my kids have changed slightly.  I have always presumed they are based on my demographic information and (hopefully) not my profile picture.  However, my demographic information has recently changed to that of a 30 year old, and here are the adverts I have today..

  1. FREE Garden birds CD.  "joyful birdsong to help you recognise and enjoy your garden visitors".
  2. Purchasing courses.  "study at home.  Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply Courses"
  3. SHOCKING Wrinkle-therapy "52 Year Old Mother Looks 39 - Dermatologists are Scared and don't want you knowing this skin secret!"
  4. Patio awnings from £75 "you don't have to spend thousands to get a great quality garden awning."
I'm sorry - was I 30 or 50?